| Brony Meme Music: brambleshadow4 - smol horse musicians (feat. Chuckles, Violet Ray & Bulk Bogan) [Hyperpop] | by Makenshi May 1, 2022 | Ever heard of the infamous rejection streaks that underrated pony musicians get when submitting tracks to big and general compilation albums projects out there such a P@D? Personally I always wonder why they keep submitting to those, when there should be more pony/brony-friendly projects in the community to feature their tracks on, without getting any harsh feedback! Well at the very least, it makes for fun songs like these! Here we've got four "smol horse musicians" singing about their misfortune but also sending out a great reminder that what someone thinks doesn't mean a thing about your worth or the worth of your music, and the most important is to "share your stuff so we can feel your passion", as the lyrics say! Big musicians make high-quality music, but smol horse musicians are awesome too!

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